Healthy Herbal Foods To Intake During Pregnancy

There are many women who would like to seek a more natural alternative to prescription medications during pregnancy. One option is to turn to herbs to help create a more comfortable, healthy, and natural pregnancy. Before taking any herbal supplements, however, you should consult with your healthcare provider and an experienced professional herbalist. Each pregnancy is different and what might work for one person may not work for another. There is also limited scientific research on the effects of herbs during pregnancy, so many websites can provide confusing or even conflicting information. The safest option for you and your baby is not to take anything without consulting a medical professional first. That said, the following are five herbal remedies for common problems during pregnancy.

Ginger Root

Ginger root is recommended in small doses to help relieve nausea and vomiting. When taken in small amounts, ginger is frequently used to settle the stomach. However, it is listed by the American Pregnancy Association as an herb to avoid in medicinal quantities. Ginger can be used to make tasty foods, teas, and other things to ingest orally. It is perfectly safe when used in the amounts found in foods, but could be dangerous to your pregnancy when used in concentrated supplemental forms. You probably don't have to ask your doctor before you eat a dish with a delicious ginger sauce, but taking anything with a higher concentration should be taken only after consulting a medical professional.

Red Raspberry Leaf

This is a common ingredient in teas that are sold for pregnant women. Red raspberry leaf is used because it can be made into mineral rich nutritive tonic. It is especially high in iron and can help increase milk production. According to the American Pregnancy Association red raspberry leaf can also help to ease nausea and labor pains. When this herb is sold in tea form, it is often marketed to promote uterine health during pregnancy. However, there has been some debate as to whether red raspberry leaf tea should be used throughout the entire pregnancy or only in the second and third trimesters. Many healthcare providers recommend only using red raspberry leaf tea only after the first trimester just to be safe.

Peppermint Leaf

This herb is also primarily used to help with nausea and morning sickness. Peppermint leaf also has the somewhat unexpected benefit of helping to relieve flatulence. A common use for peppermint leaf is in tea, but it can also be cooked into food. This herb is usually taken orally; generally it is used in foods and drinks. When taken in the amount found in food it does not pose any threat to your pregnancy. A medical professional should be consulted before taking more concentrated doses.


Appearing in a plethora of forms, cranberry is most often used to help relieve and prevent urinary tract infections. This herb is not limited to usefulness during pregnancy and many women take cranberry supplements regularly outside of pregnancy. Cranberry can be used in tea, sauces and food, juice, and supplement tablets. It is safe when taken orally in the amount found in food.


Also called 'stinging nettles', this herb is rich in vitamins A, C, and K. It is also rich in iron, potassium, and calcium. Many midwives and herbalists recommend this for pregnancy because it is a great all around pregnancy tonic. Some resources recommend against using nettles during pregnancy, however, this is most likely contingent on which part of the plant is used. For this reason, if you wish to reap the benefits of nettles make sure you go to an experienced herbalist that can help ensure you are getting the safest product for your pregnancy.

Other Considerations

Even if you are not carrying your own pregnancy, it is important to understand what is and is not safe for your baby. If you are working with a surrogate, you should express your desire for as natural a pregnancy as possible from the very beginning. Even if you are exploring a newborn adoption option, it is still important to understand how to keep your baby healthy. It may be prudent to do some research on natural remedies and cleaners that are safe for babies and young children. For instance, a natural carpet cleaner for dust mites will help to make sure the floor your baby will be crawling and playing on is as clean and safe for your baby as possible. Once the baby is born the external environment becomes just as important as the mother's internal environment was while pregnant. Harsh chemicals can be dangerous to have around a baby, so exploring alternative cleaning options is a must.

Make sure that throughout your pregnancy you are keeping good contact with your health care providers. If you want a more natural pregnancy, make sure that you express that to your doctor and ask about what herbal supplements he or she recommends for you.

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