Natural Remedies for Hearing Loss

Unfortunately studies have shown that 50% of us will suffer from some form of hearing loss in our life time. There are various forms of hearing loss and are caused in different ways. Some of these are more preventable than others. Today we will look at natural ways to help prevent and treat hearing loss.


Many people believe that hearing loss is just an issue for the elderly but this isn't true. Although deafness can occur with age, many people mistake noise induced hearing loss for this. Noise is one of the biggest contributors to hearing loss, mainly due to work. Extended exposure to noise for years has caused a generation to suffer from hearing loss later in life. An employer has to by law protect its workers from noise and if they don't they would be liable for claims for hearing loss compensation against themselves. Money won't improve lifestyle though so it is very important to prevent hearing loss where ever possible.

There has been research performed on everyday vitamins and minerals in connection with hearing loss. These have been done in particular with people exposed to noise. Sounds of 85dB and above have the potential to cause hearing loss as the small hairs in the inner ear are damaged and thus pick up less sound. This damage is caused by the build up of free radicals. Vitamins A,C and E have been proved to clear these if taken during and just after exposure to noise. Although protection such as ear muffs and plugs are still needed, these vitamins could give extra protection and help prevent industrial deafness.

One factor in hearing loss is circulation to the ear. Poor blood flow usually caused by illness can lead to many issues. Magnesium has been proved to improve and increase blood flow. This taken with the vitamins above can significantly decrease the chances of developing deafness.

These natural remedies can be taken as supplements but a healthy diet should contain all of these. Here are some examples;

  • Vitamin A is present in Red pepper, chilli powder, sweet potato and carrots. 
  • Vitamin C is present in thyme, broccoli, kiwi fruit and strawberries. 
  • Vitamin D is present in fish, ham, eggs, mushrooms and tofu. 
  • Magnesium is present in pumpkin, sesame seeds, nuts and bran.

A healthy lifestyle should contain all these food groups as standards but if you struggle to fit them in you can take extra supplements if you are worried about hearing loss. This is especially recommended if you work in a noisy environment or have a family history of hearing loss.

Although work should be protecting you from noise by law, many people are exposing themselves to noise. The main example of this is through music. Going to concerts and listening to Mp3 players at too high a level put you at extra risk. Reducing any exposure to noise will significantly reduce the chance of developing hearing loss.

Author Bio
Chris Evans writes for Atrium Legal writing on workers health issues. Hearing loss is an ailment that many workers suffer from due to noisy environments. Their articles hopefully will give guidence and help avoid people avoid noise induced deafness.


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