The Herbal Properties of Cucumber

Herbalism focuses on the medicinal use of plants, but that doesn't mean just the herbs one might think of. This includes plants of all kinds. Every type of food we eat can help or harm us, and some foods have many more benefits than others. One super health food is the cucumber.

The Properties of Cucumber
Cucumbers are mineral dense, most of the nutrients including vitamins located in and near the skin. For this reason, cucumbers should not be peeled in order to receive the most nutrients from them. Cucumbers are valuable in their content of potassium, silicon, sodium, sulfur, magnesium, fluorine, and chlorine. The cucumber also has a high water content. Its alkaline-forming minerals represent over 64% of its content, the remaining being acid-forming minerals. This is very important as diets tend to be highly acidic. The cucumber is therefore useful in maintaining the blood alkalinity. It also serves as a natural diuretic. Cooking a cucumber risks losing the potassium and phosphorus content.

Herbal Ways of Using Cucumber
Cucumbers have many healing properties that take various forms. First and foremost, cucumbers can help keep you hydrated as it is 96% water. It also has cooling properties both internally and externally. By eating cucumber, you can cool heartburn; by adding it to your skin, you can relieve sunburn. Cucumbers are also useful for flushing toxins from the body. Part of this is due to the high water content they have. Consuming cucumbers regularly can even assist with dissolving kidney stones.

The vitamin content of cucumbers, in particular the A, B, and C vitamins, not only boost the immune system but provides extra energy for the body. The minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, and silicon, are useful for skin healing and protection - the reason why cucumbers are always associated with spas and facials. They help revive the eyes, including bags under the eyes. The fiber content in cucumbers aids with digestion. The silica content helps make nails and hair shine more and grow stronger. Furthermore the compound sterols in cucumbers helps reduce bad cholesterol in the body.

Cucumbers are also useful in stabilizing blood pressure, both high and low. They help sooth muscle and joint pain through their high vitamin and mineral contents. By lowering uric acid levels in the system, cucumbers also contribute to kidney health. They are also good for diabetics by delivering a hormone the pancreas needs for producing insulin. Some argue cucumbers even help cut the risk of various kinds of cancer through its cancer-fighting potential. Cucumbers are also a low-calorie food that assist in weight loss. Finally, cucumber is a refreshing taste. It is frequently added to water and is known to heal diseased gums and treat bad breath.

Cucumber for Pregnancy Health
Cucumbers can also be used to help heal the body and provide vital nutrients during pregnancy. Cucumbers help keep weight at bay, their water content prevents dehydration, the fiber fights constipation and hemorrhoids, and the antioxidants in cucumber help fight against infections. Furthermore, the high collagen level is useful for preventing and healing cellulite. Cucumbers have nutrients that are key to the growth of a baby. When these nutrients are absent during fetal growth, deficiencies may be noticed in an infant. This can be especially noted during domestic infant adoption where the history of the birth mother's health may be unknown; however, careful diet oversight during an infant's growth can make a big different in the health of a child.

The versatility of cucumbers makes them an easy and nutritional choice for anyone, including new mothers and children. Their low-calorie, high-fiber, and nutrient-dense makeup means more health for less side effects. Cucumbers can be eaten plain, added to sandwiches and salads, dipped in hummus, or even sliced thinly to make vegetable wraps. The possibilities are virtually endless, and all healthy for your body.

1 comment:

  1. Oh,, Cucumber is the richest source of multiple valuable nutrients vital for human health and fitness. Here I will just add one point that cucumber is the richest hydrating food and helps in Toxification of the body from toxins.
    In this way, this helps in weight loss and blood pressure regulation as well. Weight loss effects of Cucumber is due to its hydrating benefits that give you a sense of fullness and secondly it contains very less number of calories.
